At Newbarns we aim to foster enquiring minds, independence and perseverance in our children. This is achieved by the high expectations of the staff and the effective and efficient use of quality resources.
Children are expected to attend school regularly and punctually, work hard and make the progress of which they are capable whilst they are with us. The children’s work and achievements are celebrated by being on display in the class, sharing them with others and sharing excellence in good work and praise assemblies.
We expect children to be honest and to respect other people and property. The staff members are role models in this area. Manners too, are seen as important – children should speak, not shout and should use “please”, “thank you “ and the person’s name.
We also endeavour to make children aware of cultural diversity. Self-esteem and self- control are seen as important. Children are expected to be well behaved and take pride in themselves, their work and their school.
At our school we aim to offer a welcoming, stimulating and safe learning environment where the staff work as a team to deliver an appropriate curriculum for the children.
We strive to ensure that all individuals make as much progress as possible so that the standards achieved in school are continuously improved.
The education provided takes account of the needs of all our children, their social, spiritual, cultural, personal and moral development, equal opportunities and the changing world in which we live. At Newbarns we believe that children should develop good values for living so that they become worthwhile citizens of the future. To achieve this aim, there is a different value each month which underpins much of what occurs in the school. These are communicated to parents through newsletters and our website.
To ensure the best for the children, we believe that it is essential for good communication to exist between home and school and so aim to keep parents and carers well informed. Parents are welcome in school as helpers and the Home School Agreement has been formulated and adopted.